Saturday, September 17, 2005

list of things that need massaging in mac os x

libtiff: add -flat_namespace to linker flags in ./configure, and anywhere else with a dynamic library target.

qt: hah. hahahahhah. okay. get the darwinports patch. read the portfile. when it breaks, add -undefined suppress and -flat_namespace to the linker flags. wait a few hours for it to break again.

kdelibs will plain not build. you will have problems with the case-insensitive filesystem and libjpeg vs libJPEG. i remedied this by making my /usr/local an HFS+X image.

(ps. i'm only building source because of religious issues with fink, darwinports, pkgsrc and portage.)

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Javascript DOM.Traversal

I'm looking into creating a bridge for the DOM level 2 Traversal API for MSIE and Safari. It would be significantly less painful than trying to navigate documents with just the DOM core API, and perhaps a good framework for a DOM 3 XPath bridge implementation as well, as Opera and Safari don't implement it.

I'm going to be publishing this on JSAN. i'll update when it's available.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Adapt OrbiTouch to mobile input system

The OrbiTouch input system features a two-joystick configuration which is chorded to input the full array of characters of a standard keyboard. It was designed initially for those with repetitive stress injuries to regain the ability to type with minimal movement in their hands and wrists.

The benefit of adapting the input system to mobile devices is the conservation of space. a pair of thumbpads similar to the IBM Trackpoint technology with surrounding indentations possibly no larger than 2cm across would be a more than ample complement (or replacement) to the 12-key number pad, and just as versatile as a QWERTY input. Indicators can either be placed right on the case of the device, or on a heads-up overlay on the display.